MySQL Problems

Alright, I can usually mess around and figure out stuff when I'm scripting. However, mysql has me stumped. I thought I was doing it right from what I learned in the three hours I was doing it. I have the following in my script:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	return 1;

stock ResetPlayerVariables( playerid )
    Account[playerid][AccID] = 0;
    //Account[playerid][PosX] = 0.00;
    return 1;

stock PlayerConnection(playerid)
  new Query[128], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

	#pragma unused Name

	format(Query,sizeof(Query), "SELECT `UserID` FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", Name2);
	if(mysql_num_rows() >= 1 )
 		if(mysql_num_rows() >= 2 )
		 	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** [Error]: Two Accounts found, please contact a 1337 Admin");
 			Account[playerid][AccID] = mysql_fetch_int();
   		ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login Process", "Welcome to SF-RP!\nPlease enter your password to continue.", "Login", "Cancel" );
	   	SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "** Your account has been recovered, please enter your password to proceed." );
  		SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "** Your account does not yet exist, enter a password to register one!" );
  	ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registration Process", "Welcome to SF-RP\nPlease enter a password to register.", "Register", "Cancel" );
switch( dialogid )
	  case 1:
			GetFromAccount(Account[playerid][AccID], "Password", Account[playerid][Pass]);
			if( strcmp( inputtext, Account[playerid][Pass], true ) == 0 )
			  new String[ 128 ], Name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];

			  GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );

			  format( String, sizeof( String ), "** Thank you for logging in, %s.", Name );
			  SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, String );
			  SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** [Error]: Incorrect password. Please try again!" );
			  ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login Process", "Welcome to SF-RP!\nPlease enter your password to authenticate.", "Login", "Cancel" );

	  case 2:
	    if( strlen(inputtext) >= 30 )
	      ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registration Process", "Welcome to SF-RP!\nPlease enter a password to register.", "Authenticate", "Cancel" );
	      SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** [Error]: You must use a shorter password - has to be less than 30 characters." );
	      if( strlen(inputtext) >= 1 )
	        new EscapedPassword[30], Query[128], Name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], EscapedName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];

	        GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );

	        mysql_real_escape_string( Name, EscapedName );
	        mysql_real_escape_string( inputtext, EscapedPassword );

	        #pragma unused Name

	        format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "INSERT INTO `Accounts` (UserID, Username, Pass) VALUES('%d', '%s', '%s')", Account[playerid][AccID],EscapedName, EscapedPassword );

	        SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "** Now, please login with the password you've just entered to proceed." );
	        ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registration Process", "Welcome to SF-RP!\nPlease enter a password to register.", "Authenticate", "Cancel" );
	        SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "** [Error]: Your password must be longer than 1 character..." );
stock SaveAccount(playerid)
	new String[350];
	format( String, sizeof( String ), "UPDATE `Accounts` SET `Blah` = '%d', WHERE `UserID` = '%d'",Account[playerid][Blah],Account[playerid][AccID]);
	mysql_query( String );
	return 1;

stock RegAccount(playerid)
	new String[350];
	format( String, sizeof( String ), "UPDATE `Accounts` SET `Blah` = '%d', WHERE `UserID` = '%d'",Account[playerid][Blah],Account[playerid][AccID]);
	mysql_query( String );
	return 1;

stock LoadAccount(playerid)
	if( IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
	  new DataString[128], Query[128];

		format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT * FROM `Accounts` WHERE `UserID` = '%d'", Account[playerid][AccID]);

    mysql_fetch_field( "Blah", DataString );
	Account[playerid][Blah] = strval( DataString );

stock GetFromAccount( dbid, obtaining[], holdingvar[] )
	new Query[128];
	format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `%s` FROM `Accounts` WHERE `UserID` = '%d'", obtaining, dbid );
	mysql_query( Query );

	if( mysql_fetch_row( holdingvar ) == 1 )

	return 1;
At first, the server crashed when I connected but I fixed that. Now I can connect, register and it'll send the "Login now" message. But then it goes right back to the "You don't have an account" dialog.

The Server Log also says:

[16:45:09] [join] DeLuca has joined the server (0:
[16:45:17] MySQL Error (0): Could not execute query. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `UserID` = '0'' at line 1.
[16:45:17] MySQL Error (0): Could not execute query. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `UserID` = '0'' at line 1.
[16:45:18] MySQL Error (0): Could not execute query. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `UserID` = '0'' at line 1.
Any help is appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Problems - by Adamrcook - 10.04.2010, 21:54

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