[FilterScript] [FS] Chat Commands

Chat Commands made by [TCL]Evrim (aka me)

What commands does it have
/l [Text] /me [Action text] /ad [Advertise text] /dice [No params, just rolls a dice, random(6)] /smoke [Just takes out a cig] /beer [Just takes out a beer] /sprunk [Just takes out a sprunk]

What is special about those
It does all of those things [Except advertise] with "Chat Bubble" function which came with 0.3a if I remember correct and it's also a tutorial for this

What is the link
Click me!

Messages In This Thread
[FS] Chat Commands - by Thrarod - 09.04.2010, 15:34
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by ¤Adas¤ - 09.04.2010, 16:23
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by Thrarod - 09.04.2010, 17:43
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by HAYTXA - 09.04.2010, 17:53
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 09.04.2010, 18:30
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by Thrarod - 10.04.2010, 13:47
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by AlexandreAymanito - 04.09.2014, 14:53
Re: [FS] Chat Commands - by DhO0m - 04.09.2014, 15:07

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