
Most likely you are missing an include or just the functions within the gamemode. I don't know Raven much but I suppose you must of downloaded it straight without modifying it. If you did modify it, then it might be a random error somewhere in your code thats causing this. As Pawno sometimes tends to print out 26 errors if something random is causing a problem. Don't ask me why though.. :P

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] SA:MP Pawno ERROR - by SooView - 03.01.2011, 16:06
Re: [HELP] SA:MP Pawno ERROR - by hanzen - 03.01.2011, 16:08
AW: [HELP] SA:MP Pawno ERROR - by Extremo - 03.01.2011, 16:12
Re: [HELP] SA:MP Pawno ERROR - by SooView - 03.01.2011, 16:23

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