[GameMode] [GM]Cops VS Terrorists v4.0 NEW RELASE!

[GM]Cops VS Terrorists v4.0

DOWNLOAD has version 0.3b and 0.3c.



This is the Fourth version of my GameMode "Cops VS Terrorists".

Version 3.0 had a lot of bugs and now I'm happy to tell you all that
new version Is totally fixed! I've not found any bugs, but...if someone
will find one...please tell me in SA-MP Forums.

This new version (4.0) has these things:

- A simple command to get weapons ==> /weapons;
- 4 Teams (COPS and TERRORISTS);
- 11 skins: 5 terrorists and 6 cops;
- The 2 teams have he same money (Cops same money and Terrorists same Money)
i mean "TEAM MONEY".
P.S: Cops have 2 subteams=> cops and FBI. Criminals too=> Team 1 and Team 2;
- Every respawned vehicle...is payed by the Team (for example: vehicles
in the village and in area69 are payed by TERRORISTS);
- [NEW] New skins for Police and For Terrorists;
- [NEW] New Graphic Text Draws;
- [NEW] New Car Health System (ZCarHealthSystem1.0);
- [NEW] Admin System (part of Zadmin2.0);
- [NEW] 2 Car Fixers!!! One for Terrorists and one for Cops.

* Your team must not have UNDER 0 money!!!

Driveby is totally allowed in GM.

Infact...the Team that has less than 0 money...Loses!!!
When a team WINS, GameMode rstarts after 6 seconds to begin a new ROUND.

*** How to be ADMIN:
If You are the owner of the server you have to do 3 things:
- Login as RCON ADMIN ==> /rcon login [password]
- Register an account ==> /register [password]
- Type the command which makes you GOD ADMIN ==> /makemegodadmin
Now you are admin level 10! (maximum).

*** How to make someone admin:
If you want to make someone admin you have to let him REGISTER with
/register [password] and then you use the following command: /makeadmin [id] [level]

*** Admin commands:
If you want to know the abiable admin commands you have to type this command:
/admincmd and you'll see ALL COMMANDS for admins.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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