LG TV question

For Christmas my parents bought me a 42 inch LG LED TV. It has things like USB ports, HDMI ports etc.

I was wondering, Is there a way for me to play movie files from a USB which is connected into the tv so I can watch them on the TV? I've tried AVI files and it didn't work. Any ideas?

Also, How can I connect my Laptop to the TV and make it so that all the sound being played on the laptop, comes outta the TV instead. I used my HDMI cable and plugged it into the TV and the laptop, and I can use my tv as a screen but it doesn't play the sounds from the laptop.


Messages In This Thread
LG TV question - by MWF2 - 31.12.2010, 00:40
Re: LG TV question - by Pacer - 31.12.2010, 01:12

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