Rank Titles

Ok, i have a mysql based script, and i want to add ranks.

I have rank feilds in my db, a different one for each player.

I want it so that when a player logs on it says "PlayerRank Playername(Id) Logged On To The Server" and different players will have different ranks, so the server will have to desipher that. How would i make that happen? the rank feild in my db is rank and the name feild in my db is name.

I use strikenkids mysql plugin.

Messages In This Thread
Rank Titles - by Rokzlive - 30.12.2010, 23:29
Re: Rank Titles - by Rokzlive - 31.12.2010, 03:01
Re: Rank Titles - by [UG]Scripter - 31.12.2010, 09:54

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