Tutorial After Relog

It sends me right back to here:

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID_TGENDER, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Immigration Office - Gender","Welcome to the immigration office.\n\nImmigration Officer says: You are here to become legal citizen of the Bayside and El Quebrados state.\nImmigration Officer says: You will have to answer a few questions before I can hand you a passport.\nImmigration Officer says: Let's get started, what is your sex?", "Male", "Female");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCalledTutSay] = 1;
GreenBar[playerid] = CreateProgressBar(152.00, 431.00, 336.50, 13.50, 16716287, 80.0);
ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, GreenBar[playerid]);
SetProgressBarValue(GreenBar[playerid], 5.0);
UpdateProgressBar(GreenBar[playerid], playerid);
TextDrawSetString(Text:RegStep[playerid], "Registration Progress: [1/20]");
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, RegStep[playerid]);
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Tutorial After Relog - by AngelRespawn - 30.12.2010, 02:20
Re: Tutorial After Relog - by _rAped - 30.12.2010, 02:31
Re: Tutorial After Relog - by AngelRespawn - 30.12.2010, 16:29
Re: Tutorial After Relog - by AngelRespawn - 31.12.2010, 18:14
Re: Tutorial After Relog - by 06leachr - 31.12.2010, 20:22
Re: Tutorial After Relog - by AngelRespawn - 01.01.2011, 20:48

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