0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second?

I am making a server gamemode and in that script I added a "SetTimerEx" function.

And, in the interval part, I used "1000" in it (which means 1 second) and in the loop part is "true".

In the function, I added if the timer already repeated for 60 times (1 minute), the timer will be killed/stopped.

And I tested it and it doesn't work! And then, I wait for few times until somehow I see that timer runs every long seconds (I think it's exactly 1000 seconds).

And then, I changed it into "1" in the interval and tested it and it works! It runs every 1 second.

But the problem is, I asked somebody else to test, his ID is ID 1 and mine is 0. When he use the command to run the timer and the timer ran very fast (I think it's 1 milisecond) and suddenly the timer killed/stopped (because it's already 60 times) and the other function there also ran.

Well, is it a bug?

Messages In This Thread
0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by VirSpectorX - 30.12.2010, 13:45
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by GaGlets(R) - 30.12.2010, 15:26
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by Toreno - 30.12.2010, 16:09
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by VirSpectorX - 31.12.2010, 11:52
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by Finn - 31.12.2010, 12:02
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by wups - 31.12.2010, 12:17
Re: 0.3c Timer, 1 = 1 second? - by Sasino97 - 31.12.2010, 13:42

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