Save a string in a variable?

I am sending a string from my gamemode to a public in my.
How to save that string in a variable so i can use it in another public?

pawn Код:
public cowvshorse(text[])
text = variabletosavestringin;

//when this public gets called
public fishvscat()
printf("%s", variablethatsavedstring);
I hope you understand me and would be able to help!

Messages In This Thread
Save a string in a variable? - by Whoop - 30.12.2010, 08:32
Re: Save a string in a variable? - by _rAped - 30.12.2010, 08:42
Re: Save a string in a variable? - by TouR - 30.12.2010, 08:46
Re: Save a string in a variable? - by JamesC - 30.12.2010, 10:36

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