public OnDialogResponse

Do you even know what Switch() does? like Switch(1337) what is that supposed to do? that means that the case will always be 1337.

Messages In This Thread
public OnDialogResponse - by [SU]Fnugski - 29.12.2010, 20:57
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by Sinner - 29.12.2010, 21:08
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by DVDK - 29.12.2010, 21:15
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by Jochemd - 29.12.2010, 21:25
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by [SU]Fnugski - 29.12.2010, 21:37
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by Jochemd - 29.12.2010, 21:39
Re: public OnDialogResponse - by Sinner - 30.12.2010, 09:40

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