Searching for a scripter

Hello Scripters out there!

Im currently hiring a new scripter for my community, its a rather new community, and has potentional to become a great one with succes. Im therefor looking for a scripter since we are in need of some help, Im personally willing to pay you out with US Dollars throught Paypal for your works onto the community servers script/gamemode.
If you wishes, you can step by our website meanwhile considering to joining at to check out our forums.

So, whats the requirements?
- 16 Years old
- Mature
- A decent scripting experience
- Some spare time, to involve him self into the ideas and to script it

What do i get in favor?
- A position into the Scripting team of UC:RP
- Minor Administration status ingame
- US Dollars (Dont expect huge numbers, we are not millionairs)

Do you think you got what it takes to become apart of our Scripting team?
If you do, you are welcome to contact me throught messenger or PM at this site.

My Messenger is


Messages In This Thread
Searching for a scripter - by Chivava - 29.12.2010, 17:34
Re: Searching for a scripter - by Chivava - 30.12.2010, 10:29
Re: Searching for a scripter - by typedef - 30.12.2010, 10:30
Re: Searching for a scripter - by Crime Life ROLEPLAY - 30.12.2010, 10:38
Re: Searching for a scripter - by Chivava - 30.12.2010, 10:38
Re: Searching for a scripter - by _rAped - 30.12.2010, 10:44
Re: Searching for a scripter - by Chivava - 30.12.2010, 10:47
Re: Searching for a scripter - by <Weponz> - 30.12.2010, 10:52
Re: Searching for a scripter - by Chivava - 30.12.2010, 10:53
Re: Searching for a scripter - by <Weponz> - 30.12.2010, 10:55

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