Vehicles-is this possible

Thanks for your quick replies,but trouble is i got nearly 2000 cars to check lol,so tele'ing to every car would take some time and i would probaly get bored or fall asleep at some point

i was even thinking maybe a offline way off doing it just to see each car,but i dont know if thats possible either.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicles-is this possible - by fubar - 28.12.2010, 23:12
Re: Vehicles-is this possible - by PowerPC603 - 28.12.2010, 23:21
Re: Vehicles-is this possible - by [SU]Fnugski - 28.12.2010, 23:21
Re: Vehicles-is this possible - by fubar - 28.12.2010, 23:29
Re: Vehicles-is this possible - by [SU]Fnugski - 28.12.2010, 23:38
Re: Vehicles-is this possible - by Lookin - 29.12.2010, 14:03

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