In need of a dedicated and experienced developer.

Also a few side notices:
We are about to start on jobs and a house system.
Skins are being added as well, (skinid(id), factionid(0 if none), price, gender(0/1).
No skin will be used twice, so there will be no confusions.
We will also use a VIP system, but the prices will be below $25 - our goal is to reach the amount we use on the server each month.

We hope to get a fair playerbase, and we will do as good as we can to keep the playerbase we get.

Contact information:
rAped - MSN: Skype: andreashanzen
myself - MSN: Skype: ouysonetnew

Messages In This Thread
In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by _rAped - 28.12.2010, 00:20
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by ouyso - 28.12.2010, 00:36
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by _rAped - 28.12.2010, 15:16
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by Sledge - 28.12.2010, 16:33
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by _rAped - 28.12.2010, 16:33
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by Sledge - 28.12.2010, 16:34
Re: In need of a dedicated and experienced developer. - by ouyso - 29.12.2010, 11:57

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