command debugging/bugging/halting(not crashing) the server.

this command is somewhat, weird. when i type /v bus, it crashes the server,ym friend types /v bus, it doesnt crahs whenhe types it, crashs when i do and my other friend does. tested many times.
friend reported today, he typed /v fbi, then the server went bugged

- By Bugged I Completely Mean, The Server Makes Ppl Can't Connect. There Game Stops At Connected. Joining The Game.

And the players that were in the server - they get bugged , they cant type or anything

pawn Код:
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 0 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
        new vname[25];
        if(sscanf(params,"s[25]",vname)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Usage: /v [Vehiclename]");
        if(aveh[playerid] != 0) DestroyVehicle(aveh[playerid]);
        new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:ROT;
            if(!IsValidVehicle(strval(vname))) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Error:Invalid Vehicleid");
            aveh[playerid] = CreateVehicle(strval(vname),X,Y,Z,ROT,-1,-1,60);
            if(!IsValidVehicle(ReturnVehicleID(vname))) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Error:Invalid Name");
            aveh[playerid] = CreateVehicle(ReturnVehicleID(vname),X,Y,Z,ROT,-1,-1,60);
        PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, aveh[playerid], 0);
        AddVehicleComponent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 1010);
        LinkVehicleToInterior(aveh[playerid], GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
        SetVehicleVirtualWorld(aveh[playerid], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
command debugging/bugging/halting(not crashing) the server. - by The_Gangstas - 27.12.2010, 17:39
Re: command debugging/bugging/halting(not crashing) the server. - by iggy1 - 27.12.2010, 17:46
Re: command debugging/bugging/halting(not crashing) the server. - by The_Gangstas - 27.12.2010, 17:55
Re: command debugging/bugging/halting(not crashing) the server. - by MadeMan - 27.12.2010, 20:21

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