iPhone Question!

Ok, I will upgrade tonight. The only reason I had second doubts was because when the 4 came out first, I read that it screwed up the 3G phones. Thanks for the comments, I will upgrade to 4.2.

One more question:

Is there a jailbreak for 4.1? Any good tuts to follow?

Messages In This Thread
iPhone Question! - by MWF2 - 27.12.2010, 00:47
Re: iPhone Question! - by Tai_Storm - 27.12.2010, 00:52
Re: iPhone Question! - by [L3th4l] - 27.12.2010, 00:57
Re: iPhone Question! - by Fj0rtizFredde - 27.12.2010, 01:09
Re: iPhone Question! - by MacOSXFan - 27.12.2010, 01:45
Re: iPhone Question! - by MWF2 - 27.12.2010, 05:15
Re: iPhone Question! - by Sunny Autumn - 27.12.2010, 08:09
Re: iPhone Question! - by Tessar - 27.12.2010, 08:20
Re: iPhone Question! - by MWF2 - 27.12.2010, 15:06
Re: iPhone Question! - by Hal - 28.12.2010, 03:40

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