I'm searching a scripter

I think he asked for a "Approximate"..

Best thing u could do dude is learn the "SAMP Wiki" tutorial "How To Create A TDM" once you finish it a "Script" looks alot more understandable then all you got to do is learn the "Functions" like SendClientMessage/GivePlayerMoney/GivePlayerHealth etc etc etc and you will appreciate your server more also it dont matter how much you pay them,They will/can destroy your server at anytime and/or steal your script at anytime.

"Dont pay for something thats "Practically" simple to create with a search button/A bit of scripting knowlage and a couple,maybe a few hours of your life"

Just something i had to find out the hard way.

+ making your own script is awsome

Messages In This Thread
I'm searching a scripter - by Tony_MontanAAA - 24.12.2010, 07:42
Re: I'm searching a scripter - by Gavibro - 24.12.2010, 07:45
Re: I'm searching a scripter - by Tony_MontanAAA - 24.12.2010, 07:51
Re: I'm searching a scripter - by <Weponz> - 24.12.2010, 10:06
Re: I'm searching a scripter - by [UG]Scripter - 24.12.2010, 10:49

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