21.12.2010, 09:50
NOTE TO MYSELF: Removed all suggestions wich is possible in 0.3c <- and other silly suggestions..
GVars (Global Vars) - possibly put the plugin by Incognito "into" SA:MP Set the max health/armour Callback to detect shots (bodypart detection) Speed blur Damage on vacant vehicles Search for hostname in the server browser Callback called when a player wins/loses in a casino ToggleVehicleEngine Control over dialog design More than one (race)checkpoint and the ability to set the color of a checkpoint Objectives above players RotateObject(ObjectID, Float:rotx, Float:roty, Float:rotz, Float:speed) TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, mode) modes: 0-controllable 1-cant move, but can move camera 2-completely uncontrollable Remove the K.A.C.C gate and the 2 lifts on the SF aircraft carrier Instagib toggling Functions to attach vehicles to players and vice-versa Functions to control a player's radio station Function to control a traffic light and to check what a traffic light is currently showing CreatePlayerPickup MovePickup RCON command (re/un)loadplugin [pluginname] Functions to create and control the design of buttons Functions to get a player's FPS and pagesize A function to disable ammunations and casinos ToggleVehicleCollision ToggleObjectCollision FadePlayerCamera SetWaterLevel and wave height A function to send a player to another server GetPlayerCursorPos OnPlayerClick All sounds in PlayerPlaySoundForPlayer A function to play audio from GTA, such as ped voices seatid in OnPlayerEnterVehicle OnObjectDamage - called when an object is damaged (glass smashing for example) SetPlayerGravity SetVehicleGravity Emmet and zero skin OnPlayerClickPlayer CLICK_SOURCE_CHAT and CLICK_SOURCE_NAMETAG Don't call OnVehicleDeath when a vehicle lands in water Functions to control special vehicles, such as the back of the andromada or the packer Ability to highlight text in chat like in the type-box (and copy etc.) MovePlayerCamera ToggleVehicleEngine Functions to set the driveby weapons (0 would disable drivebys) ReloadPlayerWeapon SetVehicleHandling PutPlayerInCrane(craneid) Log opcodes to a file A function to toggle sirens and the taxi light A function to disable /pagesize (some servers might have textdraws under chat) A function to create gangtags (OnPlayerSprayTag) Get and set a player's waypoint TogglePlayerHUD TOggle the combine harvester death A function to turn street lamps on and off playerid parameter is UsePlayerPedAnims A function to toggle modshops and paynspray SetPlayerCameraFocusVehicle/Player (camera follows said player/vehicle) The animation for SPECIAL_ACTION_SMOKE_CIGGY is too short, the end gets cut off. This should be fixed. Detection for all keys Client-sided timers Functions to make an NPC walk to a coordinate following GTA paths A way to disable the vehicle blips on the radar (per vehicle too) perhaps a 'blip' parameter in CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicle Send the 'Connected to servername' message BEFORE OnPlayerConnect Functions to set the size and font of chat RemovePlayerClass Make TAB show the scoreboard, and hide when it is released ShowScoreboardForPlayer/All (De)ActivateCheat(playerid, cheatname[]) Rounded textdraw corners (toggle) OnPlayerShoot(playerid, weaponid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:dist) x y z and dist are the pos and distance from where the bullet hit A way to add messages to the 'breif' section of a player's pause menu Automatic directory creation in fwrite if the directory doesn't exist Enable the teargas choking effect (toggleable) -1 in the 'world' parameter of 3D labels Automatic vehicle and skin saving for NPCs //---------------------------------------------------- New dialog types: Tickbox dialog type Radio button dialog type TAB dialog type (like a button that's either push in or out, and stays like that) //---------------------------------------------------- New spectate modes: SPECTATE_MODE_CINEMATIC (spec with cinematic view) SPECTATE_MODE_TEXTDRAW (hide textdraws) SPECTATE_MODE_RADAR (show radar) //---------------------------------------------------- A function to set the number of icons shown in the deathlist IsPlayerChatShown OnPlayerStunt OnPlayerVend A function to set the size of a 3D label Display a message if the password is incorrect on the client, instead of ingame. SetScoreHeader(header[]) - or something similar - changes the 'score' header to header[] IsPlayerUsingJoypad Arrow key callback (or call them with OnPlayerKeyStateChange) Synced back doors on 4door cars Synced paintjobs and vehicle colors Synced furniture in burgulary houses Line of sight detection in chatbubbles Dialogs to only use 1 button if the parameter for the second button is an empty string. A function to hide the class selection GUI A native object streamer and pickup streamer A reason parameter in OnVehicleDeath (explosion, water etc.) GetPlayerNoise - just like in the burgulary missions A way to set the amount of dirt on a vehicle Sync flames ToggleReturnToClassSelection or something similar to disable the effect of F4 Vehicle on vehicle surfing (for example ability to transport cars on the packer) A function to enable (and disable) arcade games and video games in the game A SetGameModeType function with a 'Type' column in the server browser Close bomb shop doors (and a function to enable/disable bombshops) SetPlayerID - sets the ID of a player The ability to right click on a server in the internet/hosted list to add it to your favourites A function to 'remove' a player for another player (like the 'player x removed' error message) Enable pool tables (or a function to toggle it) (OnPlayerPlayPool - OnPlayerPoolBallHit) A 'mode' paramter in ShowNameTags (0-OFF 1-NAMES 2-HEALTH/ARMOUR 3-ALL) A 'freeze' parameter in SetPlayerCameraPos that determins whether a player can move their camera after A function to let players use the minigun like in the RC baron mission with zero in singleplayer GetPlayerScreenshot(playerid) - takes a screenshot of a player's screen then uploads it to the server (or similar) A function to disable auto-aim (weapons) GetPlayerLungCapacity(playerid, &Float:Capacity); SetPlayerLungCapacity(playerid, Float:Capacity); GetPlayerMacAddress(playerid) - Get the MAC address of a player, would be useful for banning IsPlayerOnFire(playerid) A function to check the line of sight between 2 sets of coordinates FadePlayerScreen fix drive-by for passenger - the player can keep his head down and tuck in pressing "H" Add new SoundID (All is in GTA SA) Add new PlayerKeys OnPlayerCasinoUse (playerid, moneychange, interior, machineid) Beign able to create all types of checkpoints, in different colours and also increment of checkpoint limit Add TOS option in SetPlayerChatBubble SetPlayerParamsForPlayer (playerid, forplayerid, objective, color) - basically making objectives in selected color to show above players like in SP SetVehicleParamsForPlayer (vehicleid, playerid, objective, color, doorslocked, tire1, tire2, tire3, tire4) - being able to choose color of the objective and also set status of each tire (popped or fixed) Remove default gates in KACC base and the elevators from army ship in SF RotateObject (objectid, Float: RotX, Float: RotY, Float: RotZ, Float: Speed) DisableSprunkMachine(playerid, sprunkid) DisableEatMachine(playerid, eatid) DisableCasino(playerid, casinoid) //0 - 4 Dragons, 1 - Caligulas Palace, 2 - Little Casino [Show/Hide]HUDPart(playerid, hudid, show) // 0 - Radar, 1 - Money (=> Disable Money), 2 - HealthBar, ect. OnPlayerDamaged(playerid, damagerid, bodypart, Float:health, Float:armour) Enable/Disable Spawnbuttons TogglePlayerPillEffect(playerid, bool:toggle); - Pretty self explanatory, toggles the slow motion effect caused by the pill pickup. TextDrawMove(Text:text, Float:x, Float:y, Float:speed); The ability to attach players to vehicles EnablePedDefaultDamage(); CreateFaced3DTextLabel(text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:FacingAngle, Float:DrawDistance, virtualworld, testLOS); PlayerWeaponDamage(weaponid, amount) PlayerObjectStick(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:radius) OnPlayerShootPlayer (playerid, targetid, bodypart, Float:health) Integrate custom audio support in client by default. ToggleOcuppiedVehicleDamage(); EnableHUDScoreboard(toggle) this would enable/disable HUDs AND textdraws when you press tab. OnObjectDestruction(objectid); or IsObjectDestroyed(objectid) - checking if damageable object (cone, fence, etc) is destroyed ToggleWorldSun(bool:toggle); AddScoreboardColumn(name[], playersdata) // players data - global variable of one of player stats, like 'Kills' SendDeathMessageForPlayer GetPlayerShownTextdraws(playerid) EnanbleZoneNames(); untoggle Scoreboard Support for "%" in the Chat AttachVehicleToObject(vehicleid,objectid); AttachVehicleToPlayerObject(vehicleid,objectplayer,objectid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,dialogid,style,caption[],info[],{Float,_}:...); --Change button1[] and button2[] to allow for 1 or more buttons TogglePlayerMouseCursor(playerid); GetPlayerCursorPos(playerid,&Float:X,&Float:Y); OnPlayerMouseClick(playerid,press,buttonid); --Press would be 1 if the player is pressing, 0 if releasing. buttonid would be LMB, RMB, MMB, etc. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "\a<1-3>" --Sets the alignment for the following text in a dialog (1=left alignment, 2=center, 3=right alignment) "\p<0-1>" --Sets proportional characters for even spacing (0=disable, 1=enable) "\d" --The following texts won't be selectable if using DIALOG_STYLE_LIST "\e" --The following texts will be selectable "\i<0-1>" --Italics (0=disable, 1=enable) "\b<0-1>" --Bold (0=disable, 1=enable) "\s<1-40>" --Letter size "\u<0-1>" --Under lining (0=disable, 1=enable) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UseBurgularHouseInteriors(); Delete main and back entrance bank in Palomino Creek B-Dup and Big Bear skins. Remove all default sounds from interiors (casino music, ammunation, saint marks bistro, shamal interior, welcome pump diner interior, strip clubs, etc) Support for combine deaths. Return 0 in OnEnterExitModShop to stop the player entering the mod shop. Or some other way to disable mod shops. The ability to make a player headless and the ability to return their head, using a function. http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?top...2931#msg932931 GetMouseClickPos(playerid, &x, &y) Remove the already made elevator at the San Fierro Aircraft Carrier! remove the big gate in between a51 head place and the outside with the garages. OnVehicleAttachTrailer and OnVehicleDetachTrailer ShowMinimap(0/1); ShowPlayerChat(playerid, 0/1); ShowStats(0/1); (Moneys, Weapon show, Health, Armor) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // As seen in Area 69 (those searchlights) CreateSearchlight(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); returns the id SetSearchlightPos(sid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); AttachSearchlightToVehicle(sid, Float: offsetx, Float:offsety, Float:offsetz); AimSearchlightTo(sid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetPlayerSkillLevel SetPlayerSprayCanColor OnPlayerCasinoPlay(playerid,moneychange,interior,machineid) CreateCheat(playerid,cheatid); DestroyCheat(playerid,cheatid); OnCheatCreates(playerid,cheatid); OnCheatDestroys(playerid,cheatid); CreatePlayerHotkey(playerid, KEY_F8) CreatePlayerHotkey(playerid, KEY_ESC) CreatePlayerHotkey(playerid, KEY_T) RemovePlayerHotkey(playerid, KEY_T) // to save ressources if the hotkey isn't needed anymore) The ability to drive-by with a pistol (and almoust any other weapons except projectiles, melee weapons or misc weapons) GetTrainDirection(vehicleid) //Returns true if the train is driving clockwise on the train track, false if it is going counterclockwise. SetTrainDirection(vehicleid, bool:clockwise) //Sets the direction in which a train or tram drives over the rails GetTrainSpeed(vehicleid, &Float:speed) //Returns the speed of a train. SetTrainSpeed(vehicleid, Float:speed) //Sets speed of train. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateVehicleFeature(vehicleid,featureid); example featureids : open hood, close door, use nos etc. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnPlayerRecieveStuntBonus(playerid,amount) SetWaveHeight(z); PlayerCopShootAnim (); OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason, bodypart) |