Low FPS - Any Ideas?

Has anyone had any low FPS issues with SAMP when their shouldn't be? An example would be is when I have alot of text in the top left I lose FPS... I run a Q6600 processor and GTX 285 graphics card and can run games much much more graphically intensive yet I have FPS issues. I've tried vanilla game (no mods), modded games with updated graphics and the FPS is the same which leads me to believe its not necessarily the graphics but, I notice if I hit certain areas I crash aswell. Rather strange and I didn't have the issue in the past.

Messages In This Thread
Low FPS - Any Ideas? - by MisterTickle - 20.12.2010, 02:15
Re: Low FPS - Any Ideas? - by MisterTickle - 20.12.2010, 03:14
Re: Low FPS - Any Ideas? - by Leeroy. - 20.12.2010, 03:15

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