[Help]Attaching an Object to a truck...

Sup' Guys , i have a question.
look i want to attach an object to a truck like in this image but i dont know how.
AttachObjecttoVehicle is easy but i dunno how to take the cords :S...
Who can help me? look here i have the cords and stuff.
MODEL: 578
X: 1548.4509277344
Y: -1610.1976318359
Z: 14.1328125

MODEL: 3572
X: 1546.7492675781
Y: -1610.1632080078
Z: 15.233882904053

Okay who can help me , what i have to do?
Thanks - Wosy

Messages In This Thread
[Help]Attaching an Object to a truck... - by Dex007HLH - 19.12.2010, 16:25
Re: [Help]Attaching an Object to a truck... - by Rachael - 19.12.2010, 16:35

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