Pickup when kill a medic?

Hi all,in my gm i use gTeam and i've medics team:


I need to do,if a player kill a medic,a pickup of 15% health will be dropped when the medic dies.

I know i need to work on OnPlayerDeath,but how?


Messages In This Thread
Pickup when kill a medic? - by Face9000 - 19.12.2010, 15:05
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by matute - 19.12.2010, 15:58
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by Face9000 - 19.12.2010, 16:07
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by Rachael - 19.12.2010, 16:16
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by matute - 19.12.2010, 16:17
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by Face9000 - 19.12.2010, 17:03
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by matute - 19.12.2010, 17:11
Re: Pickup when kill a medic? - by Face9000 - 19.12.2010, 17:18

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