
Yo G's
I wanted to ask something about Cardealership on a server, I want to make a Carealership but don't know a idea what method to use, (static). I want the car to be like Static and to display from who it is, so is it an idea to make Cars load from a .ini or from a .cfg? Like:
 Owned | Owner|Vehicle License Plate| XPos| YPos | ZPos| CarColor
Owned = Is it owned? 0/1
Owner = Who owns the vehicle.
Vehicle License Plate = Displays the vehicle license plate OnGameModeInit();
XPos = X Position
YPos = Y Position
ZPos = Z Position
Carcolor = Color of the car

Should it actuelly be loaded via a .ini (Information for each player) or via a .cfg which is just like:
CarInfo[i]Owned = 1;
CarSave(); < Which saves the information applied above.

Messages In This Thread
Cardealership - by Berky - 18.12.2010, 09:12
Re: Cardealership - by [UG]Scripter - 18.12.2010, 09:56
Re: Cardealership - by Berky - 18.12.2010, 09:57

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