DCMD commands prob

I assume you have all your commands in a separate include-file?

If you add that line in your commands-file, you have to make sure that PlayerInfo is declared before you include your commands-file, otherwise the compiler complains about PlayerInfo not being defined yet.
This would be logical, if PlayerInfo is declared below your included commands-file.

#include <PlayerCommands>

enum PInfo
// your fields here

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PInfo];
this example would give lots of errors about such a mistake, as the compiler hasn't seen your declaration of PlayerInfo yet when including your commands-file.

enum PInfo
// your fields here

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PInfo];

#include <PlayerCommands>

Messages In This Thread
DCMD commands prob - by Face9000 - 17.12.2010, 14:07
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Nero_3D - 17.12.2010, 14:10
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Face9000 - 17.12.2010, 14:13
Re: DCMD commands prob - by PowerPC603 - 17.12.2010, 16:17
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Face9000 - 17.12.2010, 17:09
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Face9000 - 17.12.2010, 19:32
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Scenario - 17.12.2010, 19:34
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Face9000 - 17.12.2010, 19:35
Re: DCMD commands prob - by matute - 17.12.2010, 20:53
Re: DCMD commands prob - by Scenario - 17.12.2010, 22:39

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