Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect

Pessoal Criei Estб Funзгo para escrever o nome do jogador, mas ela nгo cria o arquivo!
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	new plName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid,plName, sizeof(plName));
	new File:plconct = fopen("sampsc/playercontrol.txt", io_append); // Open the file
    fwrite(plconct, plName); // Write to the file (\r\n is for a new line)
    fclose(plconct); // Close the file
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by mafelis - 17.12.2010, 12:03
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by itzguri - 17.12.2010, 12:40
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by mafelis - 17.12.2010, 12:43
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by Katros - 17.12.2010, 12:57
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by mafelis - 17.12.2010, 13:31
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by SuB_ZeRo0_ - 17.12.2010, 15:00
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by zSuYaNw - 17.12.2010, 15:05
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by SuB_ZeRo0_ - 17.12.2010, 17:32
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by zSuYaNw - 17.12.2010, 17:36
Re: Problema Com Funзгo OnPlayerConnect - by mafelis - 17.12.2010, 18:02

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