[Possible Bug]Color Embedding

Well its not Only for a ban Reason, its for like every reason.

As im trying to keep the Color embedding in it, But since that adds up extra cells it doesnt want to display when i go over it. And i also got it On /warn with a reason
which is even Longer because it would say "[ADMIN]: Tashla_Jameson has been Warned by Admin Tashla_Jameson (#/3) (Reason: [reason here])"

And that Wouldn't even display even if i didnt add a reason...

And i dont get the Point in Color Embedding adding up to the string length and Cells as they aren't showed in the server. Well maybe i get the point but its just annoying that i can't use the color embedding properly

Messages In This Thread
[Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by Nibblet - 16.12.2010, 20:30
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by leong124 - 17.12.2010, 03:30
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by Nibblet - 17.12.2010, 09:25
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by [MWR]Blood - 17.12.2010, 10:15
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by Nibblet - 17.12.2010, 10:34
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by leong124 - 17.12.2010, 12:35
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by Rac3r - 17.12.2010, 13:05
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by leong124 - 17.12.2010, 13:37
Re: [Possible Bug]Color Embedding - by Nibblet - 17.12.2010, 15:27

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