17.12.2010, 01:07
@ Crucix Thanks bro, thats probablky it more than what I post now that I have had some sleep. LOL what I posted made no sense. That makes sense due to the "\\" would block it form reading the correct location.
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set %s 's rcash to %d!", cash, name);
format(string, sizeof(string, "You have set %s 's rcash to %d, name, cash);
after reading it over carefully i few times i realized i had the name, cash order wrong and i thought that it would just affect the statement sent but it actually allowed the rcash value to be saved.
Also, Sledge, i don't claim to be good at scripting, obviously my scripting skills are poor because i am a beginner, if i was a skilled scripter i probably would have been able to figure this out without having to post here.