Help with Clean GM (some questions/problems) please help!

First of all, If you use it as an FS, don't use "OnGameModeInit"/"OnGameModeExit" but "OnFilterScriptInit"/"OnFilterScriptExit".
As second, you have:
pawn Код:
return 1;
//------------------------[EGINE SYSTEM THINKS]-------------------------------
    print("Engine System loaded.");
    return 1;
What the fuck is that kind of a function? You just use an "open" bracket without an callback!
That give some errors. As third, you have this:
pawn Код:
//---------------------------[ENGINE THINKS]-------------------------------------
        dcmd(exitveh, 7, cmdtext);
        dcmd(engine, 6, cmdtext);
        return 0;
The same shit again. Add that stuff in "OnPlayerCommandText".
And OMG again..
pawn Код:
    return 1;
I think, if you fix this, it should give no errors / less errors,
try to fix that and then give the new errors (I won't fix it for you. If you do/try it yourself, you'll get more experience with scripting)

- Kevin

Stupid questions don't exists! So don't say your question is stupid, or something like that.
My first filterscript was one big shit! I had this in OnPlayerCommandText:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
        if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/kevintest", true) == 0)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "It is working!");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00000000, "You are not an RCON admin!");
    return 1;
Output: If you typ ANY command as an non-RCON admin it says: "" You are not an RCON admin! "" and only the fommand /kevintest was working as an RCON admin. BIG FAIL. Did I ask for help? YES I DID. It was still not a stupid question, 'Whats wrong with this'. So stfu. YOUR QUESTION IS NOT STUPID/NOOBISH

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