13.12.2010, 19:24
The error that you are getting refers to the strmid function. Here are the parameters for it:
You are getting the error because you have not defined your variable "desc" as an array. Try this:
Note that you may not need to use array sizes of 255; use a lower value if possible to improve on performance. Good luck!
For a VARCHAR field (ie your "desc" field) you can just store it direct like this:
pawn Код:
strmid(dest[],const source[],start,end,maxlength=sizeof dest)
pawn Код:
new tdata[255], Float:tx, Float:ty, Float:tz, desc[255];
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `teleports` WHERE `para` = '%s';", tmp);
mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result();
mysql_fetch_field("x", tdata); tx = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("y", tdata); ty = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("z", tdata); tz = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("desc", tdata); strmid(desc, tdata, 0, strlen(tdata), 255);
For a VARCHAR field (ie your "desc" field) you can just store it direct like this:
pawn Код:
new tdata[255], Float:tx, Float:ty, Float:tz, desc[255];
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `teleports` WHERE `para` = '%s';", tmp);
mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result();
mysql_fetch_field("x", tdata); tx = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("y", tdata); ty = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("z", tdata); tz = floatstr(tdata);
mysql_fetch_field("desc", desc);