13.12.2010, 03:49
You can make a variable for that, for example, at the top of your script:
Add this to set it to 0 under OnPlayerConnect and OnPlayerDisconnect:
You may want to add it under OnPlayerDeath or OnPlayerSpawn too.
Here are the commands:
pawn Код:
new isworking[MAX_PLAYERS];
pawn Код:
isworking[playerid] = 0;
Here are the commands:
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp("/work", cmdtext, true))
if(isworking[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "You are already working!");
isworking[playerid] = 1;
new pvehiclemodel = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
if (pvehiclemodel == 403 || pvehiclemodel == 514 || pvehiclemodel == 515) {
new string[100];
new rand = random(sizeof(TruckMissionRandom));
CreatePlayerMission(playerid, TruckMissionRandom[rand][UseTrailerCheck], TruckMissionRandom[rand][MissionPay], TruckMissionRandom[rand][loadx],TruckMissionRandom[rand][loady], TruckMissionRandom[rand][loadz], TruckMissionRandom[rand][unloadx],TruckMissionRandom[rand][unloady], TruckMissionRandom[rand][unloadz]);
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", TruckMissionRandom[rand][MissionName]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, string);
MissionArrayID[playerid] = rand;
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, mission[playerid]);
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, mission [ playerid ] );
TextDrawSetString(mission [ playerid ],string);
return 1;
if(!strcmp("/stopwork", cmdtext, true))
if(isworking[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "You are not working!");
isworking[playerid] = 0;
new string[100];
format(string, sizeof(string),"To start a mission type /work");
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, mission [ playerid ] );
TextDrawSetString(mission [ playerid ],string);
return 1;