[GameMode] Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW*

Fizz Stunt/Team Death Match

About: This gamemode is about TDM and Stunt. In LS airport have stunt. There have 11 Teams. SOME THINGS I TAKE FROM OTHER SERVERS. Login and Register system added. 2 Admin Levels.

-2 Death match places added. (can found on /tele)
-Yagu's Race Filterscript added
-Added simple Drift track, image here(Click here)
-Added Admin base.(created by me)
Building a Race( To build a race you must login as RCON ADMIN)
- /buildrace enters you to the race building mode
- /cp creates a new checkpoint
- /scp [number] selects an existing checkpoint
- /rcp replaces the current checkpoint with a new one
- /mcp [x/y/z] [amount] moves the selected checkpoint desired amount in desired direction
- /dcp deletes the checkpoint
- /buildmenu allows you to change the racemode, amount of laps, CP size and race type, and abort building
- /saverace [name] saves the race
- /editrace [name] opens an existing race for editing
- /deleterace [name deletes an existing race

Starting a race & racing
- /loadrace [name] loads the selected race, and opens the race menu
- When in Race Menu, you can change the amount of laps, racemode, checkpoint size and race type, abort and start the race. Note: if you change laps, racemode or CP size, the best lap/track info will not be saved!
- /join once the race has started
- /ready once you are ready to start (it's recommended that you get as close as possible to the start CP first!)
- /leave if you want to leave the race

Team list:

Server Commands:

Here is some images:

Fizz v1.0

Fizz v1.1 *NEW*

Now aviable for 0.3c version Fizz v1.2 v.0.3c

Soon will be for 0.3d!

Messages In This Thread
Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by Negat1Ve - 12.12.2010, 17:36
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by olabv - 12.12.2010, 17:51
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by Luis- - 12.12.2010, 17:53
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by olabv - 12.12.2010, 17:54
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by paranoidownzz - 24.12.2010, 02:49
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by HyperZ - 24.12.2010, 09:49
Re: Fizz Stunt/TDM v1.1 *NEW* - by pojefauzan - 24.12.2010, 11:22

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