PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue)

This might be a bit naughty, but..

Ever considered running OSX on your PC? ****** it.
That way, you get the best of both worlds?

I love Macs design and build quality, but I don't like throwing away money.
Also, since you are paying for university, you'll be needing to save all the money you can get your hands on xD

Messages In This Thread
PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Smithy - 12.12.2010, 15:22
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Grim_ - 12.12.2010, 16:00
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Smithy - 12.12.2010, 16:03
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Grim_ - 12.12.2010, 16:09
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Smithy - 12.12.2010, 16:13
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Grim_ - 12.12.2010, 16:17
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Smithy - 12.12.2010, 16:19
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Grim_ - 12.12.2010, 16:54
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by VOXrr - 12.12.2010, 17:06
Re: PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue) - by Hal - 12.12.2010, 17:21

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