[Map] Small duel arena

Hi all,i wanna show at users my first map.

Sorry if it is too simple but it's my first map.

The arena can be used for duels or ... idk,your choice.








The map is located here:

Objects: (29 in total)

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Messages In This Thread
Small duel arena - by Face9000 - 11.12.2010, 21:05
Re : Small duel arena - by Jake001 - 11.12.2010, 21:36
Re: Small duel arena - by Face9000 - 11.12.2010, 21:49
Re: Re : Small duel arena - by buster_ - 11.01.2011, 11:46
Re: Small duel arena - by schillow - 11.01.2011, 11:52
Re: Small duel arena - by ToPhrESH - 12.01.2011, 02:13

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