Vehicle ID is -1?

Correct, you cant print a complete function, but if you put it in print, it prints whatever it returns, rather than the information in the function.

I have a stock that should load a specified vehicle from a file. Here is the stock - You will be able to see that i am trying to attach that vehicle to an array.

pawn Код:
stock LoadVehicle(vid)

    new file[64], string[64], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    format(file, sizeof(file), "vehicles/%i.veh", vid);
    Vehicles[vid] = CreateVehicle(dini_Int(file, "Model"), dini_Float(file, "x"), dini_Float(file, "y"), dini_Float(file, "z"), dini_Float(file, "rot"), dini_Int(file, "Colour1"), dini_Int(file, "Colour2"), 23);
    printf("%i", Vehicles[vid]); //Here i tried to print the id, it still gave -1.
    format(string, sizeof(string), "This vehicle is owned by %s\nIt cost %i", dini_Get(file, "Owner"), dini_Int(file, "Cost"));
    GetVehiclePos(Vehicles[vid], x, y, z);
    VehicleText[vid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOUR, x, y, z, 5.0, -1, Vehicles[vid], 0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle ID is -1? - by Ash. - 11.12.2010, 17:24
Re: Vehicle ID is -1? - by [MF]FACE - 11.12.2010, 17:27
Re: Vehicle ID is -1? - by Ash. - 11.12.2010, 17:37
Re: Vehicle ID is -1? - by [MF]FACE - 11.12.2010, 17:40
Re: Vehicle ID is -1? - by Ash. - 11.12.2010, 17:44
Re: Vehicle ID is -1? - by Ash. - 11.12.2010, 18:31

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