28.07.2006, 14:36
SpZ: I will check this function some time, but now I\'m busy with other stuff (new gamemode, should rock)
yom: never heard of that problem. A) do you run a linux server? B) Do you run more filterscripts or weird gamemodes?
For PMs, search (with ctrl+f) this line:
and change the "Level[e] >= 2" on the "if" statement.
For admins chat, search for "//admins chat" and "@", and in both functions change the "if" statements (2 in each function).
For commands, search "show commands to admins" and change the "if" statement inside the finction.
yom: never heard of that problem. A) do you run a linux server? B) Do you run more filterscripts or weird gamemodes?
For PMs, search (with ctrl+f) this line:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerPrivmsg(senderid, playerid, text[])
For admins chat, search for "//admins chat" and "@", and in both functions change the "if" statements (2 in each function).
For commands, search "show commands to admins" and change the "if" statement inside the finction.