[HELP] vehicle park

May I suggest to not destroy vehicle at /park cmd, for better look, store data that car is parked in new place, for example

new NewParkPlace[MAX_VEHICLES];

and when car is parked set this to NewParkPlace[carid] = 1; and OnVehicleSpawn check if this value is 1 and than destroy and create new one, so it would look more realistic that car wont disapearing on /park cmd

like if you Respawn this car or damage till its blowup, on auto respawn car will be at new place.

this /v cmds system is so dumb made overall [ not you just overall ]

This is how Car dealer ship should be made

Here you can check this car dealer in game

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] vehicle park - by Pooh7 - 10.12.2010, 08:44
Re: [HELP] vehicle park - by Voldemort - 10.12.2010, 09:21
Re: [HELP] vehicle park - by Pooh7 - 10.12.2010, 09:38
Re: [HELP] vehicle park - by Voldemort - 10.12.2010, 09:46
Re: [HELP] vehicle park - by nutzkung69 - 10.12.2010, 10:14

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