running/walking styles?

Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange, check the player while he is on-foot using GetPlayerState and if he's moving, a.k.a if the KEY_WALK button is being pressed down or was recently pressed, perform a looping animation of the user walking depending on their skin.

Messages In This Thread
running/walking styles? - by The_Gangstas - 10.12.2010, 01:39
Re: running/walking styles? - by Miguel - 10.12.2010, 01:48
Re: running/walking styles? - by The_Gangstas - 10.12.2010, 01:52
Re: running/walking styles? - by case 1337: - 10.12.2010, 01:56
Re: running/walking styles? - by The_Gangstas - 10.12.2010, 02:04

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