why this

Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
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You have made a simple error in your syntax, you need to remove the semi-colon from the end of the function declaration.

pawn Код:
stock ChangeName(playerid,name)
oh thanks im so stupid

Messages In This Thread
why this - by admantis - 09.12.2010, 21:52
Re: why this - by JaTochNietDan - 09.12.2010, 21:52
AW: why this - by ukraine1594 - 09.12.2010, 21:53
Re: why this - by admantis - 09.12.2010, 21:56
Re: why this - by willsuckformoney - 09.12.2010, 22:33
Re: why this - by admantis - 09.12.2010, 22:37

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