09.12.2010, 16:25
Ye Sorry my BAD!
Here when start giving the ERROR
Here when start giving the ERROR
*** Streamer Plugin v2.3.8 by Incognito loaded *** [16:51:42] Loaded. [16:51:42] Loaded 2 plugins. [16:51:42] [16:51:42] Filter Scripts [16:51:42] --------------- [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'GarHouse.amx'... [16:51:42] >> GarHouse v1.1.3 By [03]Garsino Loaded << [16:51:42] Total Houses Loaded: 0 [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'GarPM.amx'... [16:51:42] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [16:51:42] GarPM v1.1 By [03]Garsino Successfully Loaded! [16:51:42] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'base.amx'... [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'base.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'BamAdmin.amx'... [16:51:42] Failed to load 'filterscripts/BamAdmin.amx.amx' filter script. [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'BamAdmin.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'Givecash.amx'... [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'base.amx'... [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'base.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'gl_actions.amx'... [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'gl_actions.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'gl_property.amx'... [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'gl_property.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'gl_realtime.amx'... [16:51:42] Unable to load filter script 'gl_realtime.amx'. [16:51:42] Loading filter script 'carner.amx'... [16:51:42] -------------------------------------- [16:51:42] Veh Rent by Patch [16:51:42] -------------------------------------- [16:51:42] Loaded 4 filter scripts. [16:51:42] ------------------------------------- [16:51:42] Last vehicle ID: 210 [16:51:42] -------------------------------------