[HELP] Command

Originally Posted by ZmaXy
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How to make command /createbizz ? (Ingame)
To make a business you have to make a system, EVEN if you want someone to make it you have to explain how you want it, you haven't done it, nor you have checked if what you want is a filterscript.
Your post is 1-lined while the system will take more than 100 lines (if a good one).

Now, first, for a bizz system this is what you will need:

-dini/djson or any other saving method

- strtok/zcmd or any other command processing system

-Advanced knowledge on file systems

-Advanced knowledge on variables

and this is how to do it:

When admin / user / anyone types /createbizz a file is saved with the x, y, z coords + a random interior.
When user approaches the bizz and types /enter / presses CTRL / presses ALT then it checks the int id and sets them inside the x, y, z of the business ( if(interior==1){SetPlayerPos(...))... )
Then if user /buys something, add the income + price.

Thats a 4-lined explanation

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Command - by ZmaXy - 08.12.2010, 20:12
Re: [HELP] Command - by ZmaXy - 08.12.2010, 23:15
Re: [HELP] Command - by Larsey123IsMe - 08.12.2010, 23:31
Re: [HELP] Command - by XePloiT - 08.12.2010, 23:45
Re: [HELP] Command - by 6d - 08.12.2010, 23:58
Re: [HELP] Command - by ZmaXy - 08.12.2010, 23:58
Re: [HELP] Command - by XePloiT - 09.12.2010, 00:00
Re: [HELP] Command - by 6d - 09.12.2010, 00:01

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