Lanmode not working or something?

My first look at the screenshots tells me you're using the 0.3a client to connect to a 0.3b server...

Note how the first one states "SA-MP 0.3a Started" but the other one displays 0.3b in the server info.

What I do find odd is the 0.3b on the title bar in the second image unless that is from a different PC.

Messages In This Thread
Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 07.12.2010, 00:26
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by iFriSki - 07.12.2010, 02:05
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by alpha500delta - 07.12.2010, 11:15
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by JaTochNietDan - 07.12.2010, 12:22
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 15:11
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Hiukuss - 08.12.2010, 17:39
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 19:30
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by SMX - 08.12.2010, 20:24
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 20:40
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by SMX - 08.12.2010, 20:54

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