[help] load pikcups and objects from file

I'm not sure it works. However, try it... it looks to me.

First, put this ontop of your GM.
pawn Код:
forward LoadPickUps();
Now, you can put this under forward LoadPickUps();
pawn Код:
enum puInfo
new PickUpInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][puInfo];
And now go to your scriptfiles, open a new text tile with the name pickups.txt
after that put this function where ever you want on your GM
pawn Код:
public LoadPickUps()
    new Coords[30][128];
    new string[256];
    new File: file = fopen("pickups.txt", io_read);
        new idx;
        while (idx < sizeof(PickUpInfo))
            fread(file, string);
            split(string, Coords, ',');
            PickUpInfo[idx][puModel] = floatstr(Coords[0]);
            PickUpInfo[idx][puType] = floatstr(Coords[1]);
            PickUpInfo[idx][puCoordX] = floatstr(Coords[2]);
            PickUpInfo[idx][puCoordY] = floatstr(Coords[3]);
            PickUpInfo[idx][puCoordZ] = floatstr(Coords[4]);
            PickUpInfo[idx][puVirtualW] = floatstr(Coords[5]);
    return 1;
after you did all this, go to your OnGameModeInit()
and put under it this:
pawn Код:
then under it:
pawn Код:
for(new p = 0; p < sizeof(PickUpInfo); p++)
    CreatePickup(PickUpInfo[p][puModel], PickUpInfo[p][puType], PickUpInfo[p][puCoordX], HouseInfo[p][puCoordY], HouseInfo[p][puCoordZ], PickUpInfo[p][puVirtualW]);
now, go to your text file (pickups.txt)
and it works like that
1241, 2, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, -1
1242, 1, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, 0
1245, 3, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, 0

each one is pickup, you need to modify each one them,
Not tested, I guess it needs to work...

it looks good to me, test it and tell me, for help talk to me

Messages In This Thread
[help] load pikcups and objects from file - by roi857 - 07.12.2010, 18:43
Re: [help] load pikcups and objects from file - by Toreno - 07.12.2010, 20:11
Re : [help] load pikcups and objects from file - by timaoux - 30.08.2011, 21:02

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