SutD - completely new game concept in dev looking for a community

SutD - Surviving the Dead. This is the working title of the project I am currently working on.

You are tired of roleplay servers? You dont like deathmatches like all the CoD gms?
There are thousands of servers online, around 4000 to be exact. And how many really different gametypes are they using? 10? 20? Not more. Some of them might be very good, Im not saying there are only bad gamemodes, but I am saying, that for every good gamemode there are at least 10 that ARE bad or that are just trying to copy the good ones. Seeing something totally new on a server gets really rare.

Some time ago, I had an idea. Inspired by a map for Warcraft III (Notd for those who might know it), I started experimenting with bots and deeper scripting possibilities. Without beeing sure if I would ever bring this online, I scripted (an early version) of the core for a completely new gamemode - a Co-Op gamemode. At first, my plan was to create something like a SA-MP adaption of NotD (in NotD you are a team of soldiers beeing dropped in a town full of zombies and have to survive, running around gathering all useful stuff you can find, risking your life only for a single ammo clip)
I still stick to that idea, but I added more and more features, as I just had fun implementing them.

The current stage of developement could be called an alpha version of the engine. That does not sound great, as the engine is just the stuff that controlls the gamestructure and provides the function of all the features - and even this is just in an advanced developement status. But it is further than most of the 4000 servers have come. I am definitely going to finish it some time. There is already something like a tutorial running, using all the features and allows to test them - if you want to call it like this, something like a proof of the progress (updating it when something new is ready).

And now it is in a stage where I need some help. I am not looking for fix alpha testers (you can test it and play on my server anyways) or admins yet, but for a trusty community of players who are interested in something new. I need your ideas, your suggestions and your oppinion, this gamemode is gonna be a community-project. I will try to implement the ideas that you would like to have in the game.

This is not a roleplay or (zombie) deathmatch, not stunting or freeroaming, but something new. Something different.

If I brooded your interest, you can get more information or join the new community with the forum link in my signature.

See you there!

BTW: I reserved post number 666 for this
(This is not a server ad or something, just an invitation to join and to be part of my project. If someone of you, moderators, thinks it does not belong here anyways (for whatever reason), do what you have to do and delete it, even I took myself some time to write this)

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