Lanmode not working or something?

I am trying to setup a private server for just me and my little nephews to play on but when I try to connect locally by setting lanmode to 1 and restarting the server and connecting on another computer in the house, I get "Connecting to 192.168.1.XX:7777" "Connection Failed. Retrying..." over and over again. My friend across the street confirmed it is in the server list and he could connect to it.

I've also tried:

*Note*: The XX above is actual numbers used to connect to my computer found in cmd prompt.

But those don't work either.

Edit: More Information!

I'll provide screenies, ask for more if you like, nothing is working =/

-This is what my server.cfg file looks like.

- I went ahead and port forwarded anyways just incase.

- Desertsoulz is Mine, note that it says

- As you can see I tried every thing, only one shows the one.

- But, I get this over and over and over again....

Can anyone help me?

Contact me via. Yahoo! or MSN:

Messages In This Thread
Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 07.12.2010, 00:26
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by iFriSki - 07.12.2010, 02:05
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by alpha500delta - 07.12.2010, 11:15
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by JaTochNietDan - 07.12.2010, 12:22
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 15:11
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Hiukuss - 08.12.2010, 17:39
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 19:30
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by SMX - 08.12.2010, 20:24
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by Amtrakk - 08.12.2010, 20:40
Re: Lanmode not working or something? - by SMX - 08.12.2010, 20:54

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