[very useful suggestion] OnPlayerDamagePlayer callback.

Originally Posted by SilentHuntR
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That's not true, how it works is the server only knows that a player is shooting and is looking in a direction, this information is then given to players. So that player B sees player A shooting and happens to get hit by the bullets. Then Player A tells the server how much health he has. That's all that is happening.

What should be done is a callback that tells the server when a player is hurt and by who, not neccesarily a player damaging another.

Well, actually what the client "knows" can be transfered to the server. That's what this mod does. If your game engine "knows" you got hit, lowers your health, applies animation etc. then this call can be hooked by SA-MP client, and client transfers that knowledge to server. It would probably be kind of easy* to hook thing like what caused how much damage. Might be harder to get the players ID who caused it though. Still it would be useful either ways.
*by "easy" I mean it shouldn't be much harder than hooking anything else SA-MP has already done. Not saying its easy, so everyone could do it. it's probably still a lot of work.
Also, I don't understand why this thread is under 0.3C category?
0.3C is under RC, or "Release Candidate" status. Which by definition means that the probably won't be any added functionality, only insect control. (finding&destroying bugs)
It really should be added under "Suggestions For Future Sa:MP Versions."

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