Autosave stats

Hi guys,i've this code to save players stats by a cmd.

	for(new i=0; i<=MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) SavePlayer(i);
And it's working very well. SavePlayer is a stock.

I need to make the auto save every 10 minutes,how?

Messages In This Thread
Autosave stats - by Face9000 - 06.12.2010, 12:22
Re: Autosave stats - by Rachael - 06.12.2010, 12:27
Re: Autosave stats - by rjjj - 06.12.2010, 12:31
Re: Autosave stats - by Face9000 - 06.12.2010, 12:32
Re: Autosave stats - by umast97thebest - 31.12.2010, 18:20

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