how to make takeover command


GangZoneCreate - Create a gangzone
GangZoneDestroy - Destroy a gangzone
GangZoneFlashForAll - Make a gangzone flash for all players
GangZoneFlashForPlayer - Make a gangzone flash for a certain player
GangZoneHideForAll - Hide a gangzone for all players
GangZoneHideForPlayer - Hide a gangzone for a specific player
GangZoneShowForAll - Show a gangzone for all players
GangZoneShowForPlayer - Show a gangzone for a player
GangZoneStopFlashForAll - Stop a gangzone flashing for all players
GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer - Stop a gangzone flashing for a specific player

All these can be found on the wiki.

Messages In This Thread
how to make takeover command - by Mehtab - 05.12.2010, 09:44
Re: how to make takeover command - by Mehtab - 05.12.2010, 10:05
Re: how to make takeover command - by Kaylux - 05.12.2010, 11:34
Re: how to make takeover command - by Mean - 05.12.2010, 11:57

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