03.12.2010, 19:31
[21:40:22] Incoming connection:
[21:40:22] [join] Jean_Manian has joined the server (0:
[21:40:27] debug a
[21:40:27] debug b
[21:40:27] debug c
[21:40:27] debug d
[21:40:27] debug e
[21:40:27] debug f
[21:40:27] debug g
[21:40:27] debug h
[21:40:27] debug i
So, the last print is "debug i" and the line after this print is:
[21:40:22] [join] Jean_Manian has joined the server (0:
[21:40:27] debug a
[21:40:27] debug b
[21:40:27] debug c
[21:40:27] debug d
[21:40:27] debug e
[21:40:27] debug f
[21:40:27] debug g
[21:40:27] debug h
[21:40:27] debug i
So, the last print is "debug i" and the line after this print is:
pawn Код:
mysql_fetch_field_row( str, "Patirtis" );