I need help by Neon Lights


I would like the neon lights fit in all cars because when I make bullet when is it too much sultan at the lights below. I want it to fit cars with everyone. As for the helmet as script. Help me please

Messages In This Thread
I need help by Neon Lights - by KingCaN - 03.12.2010, 19:02
Re: I need help by Neon Lights - by WillyP - 03.12.2010, 19:03
AW: I need help by Neon Lights - by KingCaN - 03.12.2010, 19:06
Re: I need help by Neon Lights - by Elorreli - 03.12.2010, 19:16
Re: I need help by Neon Lights - by Ernis456 - 03.12.2010, 19:17
Re: I need help by Neon Lights - by Flyfishes - 03.12.2010, 19:18
AW: I need help by Neon Lights - by KingCaN - 03.12.2010, 21:01
Re: I need help by Neon Lights - by audifan00 - 18.12.2010, 19:47

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