[FilterScript] Insanity Colored ClanTags

It's fine.

You could also make the other part of the player's name (example: [TAG]ThisPart) the default color as it was, instead of always being white.

Messages In This Thread
Insanity Coloured ClanTags (released) - by CyNiC - 28.11.2010, 16:55
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by Zh3r0 - 28.11.2010, 17:00
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by WillyP - 28.11.2010, 17:02
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by SamyRomafia - 28.11.2010, 17:08
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by CyNiC - 28.11.2010, 17:14
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by $t3ve - 28.11.2010, 17:36
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by SamyRomafia - 28.11.2010, 17:49
Respuesta: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by anonymousx - 30.11.2010, 21:10
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by Grim_ - 30.11.2010, 21:18
Re: Insanity Colored ClanTags - by Mean - 02.12.2010, 13:30

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