Originally Posted by BlackWolf120
pawn Код:
public counter(playerid) {
if(countdown > 1) { new string[128]; format(string,sizeof(string),"~l~! ~r~Detonating: ~y~%d ~l~!",countdown); GameTextForAll(string,990,5); CDONSTimer = SetTimer("counter",990,0); countdown --; } else {
countdown = 0; } return 1; }
CDONSTimer = SetTimer("counter",990,0); //i defined the timer and later i kill it with... KillTimer(CDONSTimer); //this so whats wrong???
u might wanna put CDONSTimer = SetTimer("counter",990,0); under if(countdown > 1) like I showed u in my previous reply... coz if not it will start a completely different timer.... than it should work...