Server getting hacked.

Sup SAMP'rzz,
I wanted to ask something about our server getting hacker. I wanted to actuelly what is happening and why, because ingame, when I use commands, they respond but, I dont teleport, like: /goto bank, it says, You've been teleported to the bank but I am not at the bank. And if I kill someone, he dies in HIS screen but on MY screen he stays infront of me, also /kick doesn't help get rid of him, I am sure this is caused by the hack because before this, it never happened. I wanna know why it happends, and how to see how it happends and, how to get rid off it.

Some effidence:
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Thanks SAMP Forum.
From **** < Servername. Censored, no advertise >.<

Messages In This Thread
Server getting hacked. - by Berky - 24.11.2010, 19:18
Re: Server getting hacked. - by Calgon - 24.11.2010, 19:19
Re: Server getting hacked. - by Berky - 24.11.2010, 19:22
Re: Server getting hacked. - by Calgon - 24.11.2010, 19:30
Re: Server getting hacked. - by woot - 24.11.2010, 19:31
Re: Server getting hacked. - by Berky - 24.11.2010, 19:41

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